Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are you exercising enough?

The recommended amount of exercise prescribed by the Australian Department Of Health is 30 minutes per day. Straight away i would recommend that amount needs to be doubled.

The human body was designed to be an exercise machine, yet our current lifestyle usually makes it the exact opposite- a sedentary machine. The daily movements we were designed for were not structured and they were usually occurring all day. These movements i am talking about are hunting and collecting, building, traveling, carrying, pulling, pushing, sprinting and walking. How many of us can say that we do all of those everyday? How long do you estimate it would take to hunt for something to eat, walk to get to a water source and maintain your shelter in one day? 30 minutes? i don't think so!! Ask yourself if you are even getting 30 minutes a day exercise..if not, why not?

Our current lifestyle is becoming increasingly sedentary and our bodies are becoming decreasingly functional. This is why i recommend that we need to be getting at least 60 minutes exercise a day. Without sufficient exercise, our bodies become weak, prone to disease and obesity and take ALOT longer to get back to the ideal state.

I hope i have inspired you to increase your daily exercise amount! you know you need to!

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