Up to 36,000 Americans die each year of influenza, with approximately 200,000 hospitalised. There are more than 200 different strains of the virus and they are constantly changing, so vaccinations against influenza have only been partly successful in preventing the disease. I don't really agree with the vaccination because they inject the actual virus into your body so it can build an immunity to it.
Th symptoms of influenza begin much like those of a cold- body aches, cough, fatigue, headache and hot and cold sweats. Colds last for about one week to ten days on average, but the flu lasts much longer- up to twelve days or more, followed by a week or more of residual coughing.
If you do come down with the flu-
- Consume plenty of fluids, especially fresh juices, herbal teas, soups and quality water to prevent dehydration and help flush out the body.
- Avoid dairy products, which are mucous forming, and sugar.
- Buy a new toothbrush- toothbrushes can harbor viruses and prolong the illness.
- Take vitamins!! As your appetite will usually decrease, it is important to keep getting the nutrients your body needs, especially whilst fighting a disease.
- Vitamin A- a powerful antioxidant and immunity booster.
- Vitamin C- strengthens the immune system by increasing the number and quality of the white blood cells.
- Garlic tablets- has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Antibiotics are useless against viral illnesses like influenza. The best way to get rid of the flu or any other infectious diseases is t tackle it head on by strengthening the immune system. When the body is getting, or already is sick, it is under stress, and stress taxes the immune system. Researchers have linked vulnerability to colds and flu to psychological stress!
I hope you don't have to put this information into practice this year, but if you do, at least you wont be as sick!!
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