Monday, November 2, 2009

5 Free Personal Training Sessions!

I am offering the chance to win 1 of 5 free individual personal training sessions to people who can tell me~
  1. What goal you are working towards?
  2. Why you are working towards it?
  3. Have you been successful?
  4. Why/why not? 
Entries who need the most help will be the winners!

All you have to do is email your answers to myself at

Good luck!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you stretch?

TRX Suspension Trainer

The TRX Suspension Trainer is a bodyweight-based portable training tool that builds strength, balance, flexibility and core strength for people of all fitness levels. At Club 2073 we have the TRX system permanently setup and i use it with basically every client, every session. The reason for this is the versatility of the TRX. As mentioned above, the TRX can be used for multiple training disciplines with amazing results.

Because of the TRX's instability, exercises such as a push up or back row become much harder because of the extra muscle recruitment needed to stabilise your body and joints. What is so good about that? Here are just a few reasons~
  1. Joints such as the shoulder, knee and hip have to use every stabiliser muscle it can recruit to complete the movement, resulting in stronger, more functional joints with less injuries.
  2. Unstable training works on the core musculature. The core muscles provide the support for your body to remain upright and be able to complete ALL movements. Having a strong core will prevent injuries, improve posture and increase overall strength. 
  3. Life is not meant to be seated! in real life our bodies are able to move to the side, backwards, forwards and diagonally. When we complete these movements standing up, are we stable? No, we are the exact opposite! That is why we should train in a way in which our bodies naturally move. The TRX  exercises do exactly that!

The TRX system is a revolutionary piece of equipment which has forever changed functional training for the better.  i highly recommend the use  of the system  as it has provided both myself and my clients with strong, flexible and functional bodies!

At Club 2073, the TRX system is reserved for personal trainer use only, but i am more than willing to give anybody interested a demonstration. If you would like to book in for personal training sessions to use the TRX with myself, please contact me via phone, email or at the club reception.

Lachlan Ainsworth
Phone: 0401960258

Stress. Is it killing you?

Stress is now an epidemic!! Unfortunatley, this fact is hardly surprising given the current  situation  of the world we live in. Many of my clients battle with some form of stress from time to time, and for some it is a constant. I can see the effects of stress right in front of me and it is very concerning. I have decided to write this entry to hopefully make people realise that there may be a problem, and there are ways to relieve it.

Stress that is not treated can lead to serious illness. A person who feels ongoing and unresolved stress may go on to develop significant medical illnesses or an anxiety disorder (which in turn can lead to a clinical depression).

Long term exposure to stress takes the form of general adoption syndrome. It occurs in response to long term exposure to the causes of stress. This phenomenon is commonly visible, both in employers and employees of the corporate sector, where new challenges emerge on a daily basis. Projects have to be executed in time. Sales targets have to be met. Statistics have to be presented in board meetings. This results in continuous arousal of the body. When this arousal becomes chronic, stress related problems appear.

Stress hormones that remain in an elevated state in the blood for long time can become toxic and affect the cells of the body. The level of fat also increases, causing cardiovascular problems. The immune system is emaciated and the body becomes prone to infectious diseases, including cancer. The moods go down steeply and physical and mental exhaustion takes over.

Stress occurs when the demands being made on a person are greater than their ability to cope. When stress turns into a serious illness, it is important to get professional help as soon as possible. 

There are many ways in which you can reduce your stress including~
  • Exercise
  • Meditation 
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Tai Chi
  • Aromatheraphy
Or just simply devoting time do doing something you love!

I hope i have inspired you to act if you have an unhealthy stress level and i am more than willing to help if that is what you need.

Stress less!!!


Are you exercising enough?

The recommended amount of exercise prescribed by the Australian Department Of Health is 30 minutes per day. Straight away i would recommend that amount needs to be doubled.

The human body was designed to be an exercise machine, yet our current lifestyle usually makes it the exact opposite- a sedentary machine. The daily movements we were designed for were not structured and they were usually occurring all day. These movements i am talking about are hunting and collecting, building, traveling, carrying, pulling, pushing, sprinting and walking. How many of us can say that we do all of those everyday? How long do you estimate it would take to hunt for something to eat, walk to get to a water source and maintain your shelter in one day? 30 minutes? i don't think so!! Ask yourself if you are even getting 30 minutes a day exercise..if not, why not?

Our current lifestyle is becoming increasingly sedentary and our bodies are becoming decreasingly functional. This is why i recommend that we need to be getting at least 60 minutes exercise a day. Without sufficient exercise, our bodies become weak, prone to disease and obesity and take ALOT longer to get back to the ideal state.

I hope i have inspired you to increase your daily exercise amount! you know you need to!

Are you really eating properly...?

I speak to so many people in the gym about both their eating habits, and it has become clear to me that most people think that they are eating right, but actually aren't.

Sometimes we get wrong information, outdated information, or we simply interpret information the way we see it and not the way it actually is.

Eating correctly, to me, is simple. I eat according to my metabolic type, i eat what nature has NATURALLY provided as an intended food source- fruit, vegetables, meat, nuts, grains, water and I do not consume refined sugars and foods so my body can function the way it was intended.

Once you start eating foods which do not naturally occur such as chocolate and ice cream, your body will have a problem. Because the 'food' is not naturally occurring, your body will most likely have trouble digesting it and some of the partly digested remnants may be stored in your cells as fat. There are thousands of substances in
pre-prepared foods which our bodies don't know how to digest, so they simply get stored in our body resulting in weight gain. Have you ever wondered why cellulite occurs....? BAD FOOD!

As i mentioned above, eating correctly is simple. If you need help or would like to know you metabolic type, which is extremely important to how your body uses your food intake, please come and see me at the gym or call/email me to book an appointment.

Lachlan Ainsworth

0401 960 258