Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are you really eating properly...?

I speak to so many people in the gym about both their eating habits, and it has become clear to me that most people think that they are eating right, but actually aren't.

Sometimes we get wrong information, outdated information, or we simply interpret information the way we see it and not the way it actually is.

Eating correctly, to me, is simple. I eat according to my metabolic type, i eat what nature has NATURALLY provided as an intended food source- fruit, vegetables, meat, nuts, grains, water and I do not consume refined sugars and foods so my body can function the way it was intended.

Once you start eating foods which do not naturally occur such as chocolate and ice cream, your body will have a problem. Because the 'food' is not naturally occurring, your body will most likely have trouble digesting it and some of the partly digested remnants may be stored in your cells as fat. There are thousands of substances in
pre-prepared foods which our bodies don't know how to digest, so they simply get stored in our body resulting in weight gain. Have you ever wondered why cellulite occurs....? BAD FOOD!

As i mentioned above, eating correctly is simple. If you need help or would like to know you metabolic type, which is extremely important to how your body uses your food intake, please come and see me at the gym or call/email me to book an appointment.

Lachlan Ainsworth

0401 960 258

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